Behind the scenes at the farm ….

When we go to work on the farm, it’s usually with our whole family- our daughter and son and the two of us. Daily we move our cows to fresh grass and check on them.

We value soil health, keeping the farm looking good, quality grass, and healthy, gentle cows. We believe in sustainable agriculture and small farms. We keep free choice minerals out for the cattle.

We lease our farmland, which gives us the opportunity to care for others’ land. We do hope to buy our own larger farm one day so that we can devote to long-term soil health.

Most of our cattle are mixed breeds, but we are using a Red Devon bull and have a few Red Devon cows. Our hope is to have the best gourmet grass fed beef, and genetics is one factor to help that.

See our instagram for pictures and stories of behind the scenes!

2 Replies to “Behind the scenes at the farm ….”

  1. Hi Tara, I was searching out where to purchase grass fed beef and your website popped up. Ironically, you were the photographer for my daughter’s wedding. She was living in North Carolina at the time when we consulted with you. Kathryn “Kat” Hays and Andrew Best were the couple. They married at Greenwood Plantation in June of 2016. They are now in Sunnyvale, CA. and expecting their first child,( my fourth grandchild)! Other than the fact that they are in California, we are very excited for our new Munchkin addition!
    I noticed that you make deliveries in Baton Rouge on specific days during the week. Can you tell me the location and the day you deliver in Baton Rouge? BTW: You have a beautiful family. I am happy I accidentally came across your website. Thank You, and have a blessed evening. Jan Hays

    1. Hi Jan! My goodness! I just found this post! How neat- small world! I have their wedding as a sample album in my studio. We are doing deliveries on Fridays right now. I will email you the order form. I’m sorry I just saw this!

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