Beef Bone Broth
5-10 lb of GRASS FED beef bones.
Vegetables or vegetable scraps. I like to use 1 onion, celery tops from 1 bunch of celery, carrot tops, carrots, wilted cabbage leaves, bell pepper cutting scraps.
1/2 cup Apple Cider Vinegar
Large stock pot. After its cooked, use a large strainer + large bowl.
Time needed: 24 hours (or break into segments if you need).
Put frozen or thawed bones and the apple cider vinegar in the stockpot. Fill the rest of your large stock pot with water. Bring to a slow boil and leave it boiling. Skim any scum that rises off the top.
After all scum is gone, add the vegetable scraps.
Simmer for 24 hours. Sometimes this means for me that I have to stop the process and do it again if I have to run an errand. Just make sure to keep the broth hot or cold, but not in between, if you pause.
Put your colander over a very large bowl, and pour broth into the colander to separate bones from the broth. You may have to do this in batches. Discard bones- do not feed cooked bones to dogs.
I like to store broth in quart jars and can then in my canner according to the ball canning instructions. You can also freeze in ice cubes (I like the bourbon ice cube trays for this.)
Use bone broth instead of water in just about any recipe.